

Very Detailed Forest Depictions in Virtual Environments Using ArcGIS
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Barry Bitters

Current technology does not allow the efficient display of very detailed, wide-area vegetation in virtual environments. However, there has been significant research and development in the area of modeling and simulation leading to noteworthy advances in the rapid display of very detailed vegetation. In the virtual environments, digital land cover data does not provide detailed discrimination of even a generalized specie mix within tree stands. To develop more detailed forest land cover information, it is essential to augment existing land cover data using authoritative ancillary sources. In digital form, we have captured the spatial extents of the native ranges of more than 200 North American tree species. Augmented with an expanded set of realistic looking 3-D models of bare and in-foliage trees, this data provides significantly enhanced depictions of forest canopies in virtual space. We will discuss this development, display real-time simulations, and discuss future directions of this line of research.

Barry Bitters
University of West Florida
Environmental Studies
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola , FL 32514
Phone: 850 936-1060
Fax: 850 936-1060
E-mail: bbitters@uwf.edu