

Clearing Roads/Helping Drivers: GIS and WSDOT Incident Response
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Diane McGuerty

In an increased effort to help curb congestion WSDOT began the Incident Response program. IR (Incident Response) trucks and the program itself have grown into a semi-mature statewide effort. Currently a report for each IR response is collected and are then input into GIS and used for congestion analysis, IR deployment and as a Performance Measure reporting tool. IR is currently in the process of upgrading its data collection system to include real-time GPS location and push-button mobile data input. This real-time data feed will then be used as a new reporting tool for WSDOT's online traffic flow website map and as a resource deployment tool for each regional traffic management center in order to provide an even faster response and better communication for multi-agency response to incidents.

Diane McGuerty
Traffic Operations
10031 Overlook Dr NW
Olympia , WA 98502
Phone: 360-705-7342
E-mail: demcguerty@hotmail.com