

Feasibility Study for Using Impact Fees as a Revenue Source
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Alison Sengupta, Jack Maguire

As many counties continue to grow, revenues from property taxes have become inadequate in funding infrastructure costs. Impact fees have become an alternative as a supplemental source of revenue for infrastructure projects. This feasibility study was conducted using ArcGIS technology to evaluate the usefulness of utilizing impact fees for actual projects in Lexington County, South Carolina. The project candidates included proposed fire stations and libraries. Growth data such as census data, residential permits, traffic analysis zones, and population forecasts were spatially joined together for the basis of this analysis. Then, service areas were delineated to represent the citizens who would benefit from the service and incur the impact fee. The growth data was analyzed and refined for each service area, and the quantity of impact fees was calculated. In this case, impact fees did not provide a feasible solution for funding the candidate projects, and other alternatives were pursued.

Alison Sengupta
Lexington County
Planning & GIS
212 South Lake Dr
Lexington , SC 29072
Phone: 803-785-8128
E-mail: asengupta@lex-co.com

Jack Maguire
County of Lexington
Planning & GIS
212 South Lake Dr
Lexington , SC 29072
Phone: 803-785-8121
E-mail: jmaguire@lex-co.com