

A Practical Methodology for Application Development
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Jianrong Zhang

This paper provides a methodology for the development of web GIS application based on many years experience. It discusses how to layout the application layers; how to define the application blocks; and what is the possibility to solve many different business problems in one common framework, which can consolidate the many applications and functionalities. It is a high-level overview and provides the guideline for the application development and helps to decide the approach for the implementation specifically for using ArcIMS and ArcGIS Server technology. It is not about a rich mapping application features; it is not about the unique business process with mapping product; and it is a way to put these together.

Jianrong Zhang
230 Peachtree St
Suite 200
Atlanta , GA 30303
Phone: 4049796999
E-mail: jzhangr@gmail.com