

Extreme Precipitation Analysis Tool (EPAT)
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Robert Rahrs

In general, Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) estimates are an attempt to define the greatest volume of precipitation in the watershed that could hazard the spillway capability of the dam for regulatory agency dam licensing. Currently, these studies have no designated standard of practice. Due to this problem, HDR along with the help of the Colorado Division of Water Resources has developed an Extreme Precipitation Analysis Tool (EPAT). The EPAT is GIS-based developed software that provides an automated objective application of accepted analysis techniques to a specific basin based on analyses of state approved extreme precipitation event climatology. This advanced GIS application was created by using ArcObjects VBA script.

Robert Rahrs
HDR Engineering Inc.
303 East 17th Ave Suite 700
Denver , CO 80503
Phone: 303.318.6331
E-mail: rrahrs@hdrinc.com