

Change Management & Internally Marketing GIS
Track: GIS Organization, Management, and Implementation
Author(s): Erik Moule

The City of Pasadena, Department of Water & Power is currently implementing an Enterprise GIS to aid in capture, analysis, and long-term management of its network assets. For a successful rollout, the department requires its participants' buy-in and acceptance of the new system. This topic will first discuss the significant amount of change needed to embrace new business processes and how we are working to meet these change management challenges. Second, we will provide ideas for internally marketing a new system to help get you, your management, and your new users excited about the prospect of a GIS rollout.

Erik Moule
Pasadena Water & Power (PWP)
150 S. Los Robles Ave.
Suite 200
Pasadena , CA 91101
Phone: 626-744-4627
E-mail: ermoule@cityofpasadena.net