Using GIS Models to Focus Protection of Redwood Forest Ecosystems Track: Ecology and Conservation Author(s): Laura Kindsvater, Ruskin Hartley Save-the-Redwoods League has created a GIS model to prioritize and focus its land acquisition and restoration actions over the next three to ten years. Using available spatial and in-house modeled data for old-growth redwood and other forests, public and other conserved lands, habitat for species of concern, recreation potential, watershed function, ecoregional context, scenic values, and threats, the League mapped high-priority areas for conservation throughout the range of coast redwoods. Proposed conservation areas were then selected using three different conservation scenarios. These results will help the League focus its efforts to protect old-growth redwoods, to maintain and increase viability of parks and reserves, and help protect connecting forest lands. The results were also used to formulate detailed regional plans and identify priority ownership tracts for potential acquisitions and conservation easements. Laura Kindsvater Save-the-Redwoods League 114 Sansome St. ##1200 San Francisco , CA 94104 US Phone: 415-362-2352 E-mail: lkindsvater@savetheredwoods.org Ruskin Hartley Save-the-Redwoods League 114 Sansome St. ##1200 San Francisco , CA 94104 US Phone: 415-362-2352 E-mail: rhartley@savetheredwoods.org |