

Safe Flight 21 Airport Compliance Assessment Using GIS
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Frederick Wilson, Judy Jackson-Pringle

Airport geospatial features are studied, analyzed, and prioritized for Safe Flight 21, using GIS methodologies. Eighty airports in the U.S. were involved in the initial study that determined their degree of geospatial database compliance with DO-272. However, because of the nature of the preliminary results, further efforts were required. This study focuses on prioritizing the geospatial features in terms of flight safety. ArcGIS/ArcView software was used in this study. Ten criteria, based on general flight processes were developed and imposed on each of the geospatial features and their attributes. This effort ensures that the appropriate weighting and ranking values are assigned correctly for prioritization of the geospatial features. Results would enable airports achieve compliance with DO-272 in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Frederick Wilson
Morgan State University
Civil Engineering
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore , MD 21251
Phone: (443) 885-4200
Fax: (443) 885-8218
E-mail: fwilson@eng.morgan.edu

Judy Jackson-Pringle
Morgan State University
Civil Engineering
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore , MD 21251
Phone: (443) 885-4200
Fax: (443) 885-4200
E-mail: jjacks@eng.morgan.edu