

Building and Maintaining a GIS and Utility Integrated System
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Jennifer Reek

The City of Brookfield, Wisconsin migrated closer to a City enterprise GIS system by integrating the utility based GIS data with the public works databases. In 2006, the City implemented a GIS and utility integrated system with the use of ArcSDE and a public works software application. This presentation describes migrating the data to build the system, integrating the public works system with geodatabases, maintaining the data throughout several city departments, benefits from using an integrated system, and future additions to the system. In addition, the presentation will show how software integration can provide benefits by maintaining water utility assets primarily within GIS verses highway sign data within a public works software application.

Jennifer Reek
City of Brookfield
Information Technology
2000 N. Calhoun Rd.
Brookfield , WI 53005
Phone: 262-796-6709
E-mail: reek@ci.brookfield.wi.us