

Spatial Analysis of Water Quality Indicators for Source Water Protection
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Roger Palmini

With the passage of the Clean Water Act in the Province of Ontario, work is being initiated in categorizing and assessing potential threats and contaminants to drinking water at its source. The Essex Watershed Region is comprised of 30 subwatersheds. Within this study area an analysis of various water contaminants, both chemical and biological, are being assessed spatially and temporally using ArcGIS software. The intent of the study is to determine the subwatersheds most at risk to possible source water contamination. This will be based on establishing a potential threats inventory, landuse mapping based on satellite imagery, geology, soils, surface water features, ground water features, and water wells. Once these subwatersheds are isolated, work will entail preparing a source water protection plan based on minimizing any possible future impacts on source water.

Roger Palmini
Essex Region Conservation Authority
Source Water Protection
360 Fairview Avenue West
Essex , Ontario N6C 5E1
Phone: 519-776-5209
E-mail: rpalmini@erca.org