

Data Management: The Root of Successful, Long-Term Pipeline Integrity Management
Track: Pipeline
Author(s): Virginia Balbo

The management of the vast libraries of data needed for a successful pipeline Integrity Management Program (IMP) have driven the need for data management expertise. Refined data management systems and analysis applications better suit users' needs and at the same time save significant data manipulation headaches. We will review a series of steps taken to improve pipeline data management to support day-to-day as well as strategic activities. Examples will be provided that show how users throughout the organization can share, collaborate and analyze pipeline data stores. These solutions meet the practical needs of pipeline experts without having to retrain them as data managers. Through development and deployment of truly end-user usable solutions our GIS user base has expanded many times beyond the core group of GIS experts.

Virginia Balbo
So Cal Gas
Operations Technology
555 W 5th St
Los Angeles, CA 90051
Phone: 213-244-5684
E-mail: vmbalbo@semprautilities.com