

GEOFidelis West: Establishing a Regional Geospatial Center
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Jason Thacker, Bill Russell

Under the GEOFidelis program the Marine Corps created two regional geospatial data centers. Known as GeoFidelis West, the west coast center hosted at Camp Pendleton, California was tasked with providing comprehensive geospatial data management, application hosting, data dissemination, and geospatial policy for nine Marine Corps installations west of the Mississippi. Challenges included determining sufficient hardware, software, and licensing requirements; establishing new lines of communication and work flow; implementing new procedures for data editing and quality control; overcoming political barriers; navigating Navy-Marine Corps Intranet constraints; serving a newly-established regional command staff (MCIWEST), and coordinating policy and procedures at the Headquarters, Regional and Installation level. Organizations considering or currently struggling with establishing a regional geospatial data center can learn about the solutions implemented and find out what's next for the GeoFidelis West Coast Regional Data Center.

Jason Thacker
5962 La Place Court
Suite 225
Carlsbad , CA 92008
Phone: 760 603 1195
E-mail: jthacker@taic.net

Bill Russell
PO Box 555013
Camp Pendleton , CA 92055-5013
Phone: 760 725 6281
E-mail: william.c.russell1@usmc.mil