

Proximity Modeling to Assess Priorities in the Forest Stewardship Program
Track: Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Author(s): Nathanael Lloyd, Chandreyee Lahiri

This analysis attempted to build on the success of a previous overlay analysis that won an award from the USDA Forest Service. The idea was to assess properties within the Forest Stewardship Program for their proximity to each other and to protected properties. Using a cost-distance model and buffers a metric was created to compare the relative proximity of every property enrolled I the program. The proximities are relative because land features between properties were weighted as "costs" or barriers to true connectivity. The analysis also creates a continuous grid so that future properties may be immediately assigned a proximity score. The continuous grid also allows areas and regions without Forest Stewardship properties to be assessed for their proximity potential. This model can be used for many programs where connections are important, including land protection, habitat analysis, and animal movements.

Nathanael Lloyd
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway St. Suite 700
Boston , MA 02114
Phone: 617-626-1381
E-mail: nathanael.lloyd@state.ma.us

Chandreyee Lahiri
MA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation
GIS Program
251 Causeway St.
Suite 700
Boston , MA 02114
Phone: 617-6261325
Fax: 617-626-1349
E-mail: chandreyee.lahiri@state.ma.us