

Displaying 3D Hydro-acoustic Fisheries Data
Track: Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Author(s): Will Stafford, Ronald Hlasny

Hydro-acoustics is a remote sensing tool used for aquatic assessments. It captures the return signal strength in decibels of a fishes or crustaceans body. The return signal can be converted into length based on the relationship between signal strength and size of the air pocket. Each return is stored as a single record in a data table with X,Y, and Z as depth below surface. A high quality digital elevation model of the lake is required to display this information in 3D. These two components are combined to visualize the sample data in 3D (see the 2006 Esri Map Book, page 33).

Will Stafford
Saskatchewan Environment
Geomatics Services Section
Po Box 472
Prince Albert S6V5R8
Phone: 306 953 2465
E-mail: stafford.will@sasktel.net

Ronald Hlasny
Saskatchewan Environment
Box 3003
5th Floor MacIntosh Mall
Prince Albert , Saskatchewan S6V5R8
Phone: 306 953 2465
E-mail: rhlasny@serm.gov.sk.ca