

Geospatial Tactical Decision Aids
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Miguel Pacheco

Environmental conditions are known to affect the efficiency and effectiveness of military platforms, weapon systems, and personnel. The translation between the environmental conditions and the impact they may have on platforms, weapon systems, and personnel is made based on pre-defined tables that result in a coloured mission impact diagram (MID). These diagrams are specific to short area extensions. For large areas, where weather and oceanographic conditions are necessarily different from place to place, these MID do not provide the decision maker with the whole picture. A new MID concept was tested for a major Portuguese Armed Forces national exercise. A Web GIS was developed in order to provide 2D geospatial related MID information through a private network. Besides the 2D geospatial visualization of the variation of each feature MID, users can interactively get the traditional MID for each pixel of interest. It's a new dimension for MID.

Miguel Pacheco
Data Centre
R Trinas 49
Lisboa , null 1249
Phone: +351 210943130
Fax: +351 210943299
E-mail: miguel.pacheco@netvisao.pt