

Sensitivity of LIDAR Terrain Characteristics
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Jamison Janke

LIDAR provides dense terrain measurements of relatively high accuracy over large areas. Volume of LIDAR data makes them difficult to use with traditional GIS tools and storage techniques. Most of LIDAR points are redundant and unnecessarily burden the analyses with their volume. The new terrain geodatabase format in ArcGIS 9.2 allows efficient storage of LIDAR data and, using the TIN pyramid concept, simplification of data to include only those points from the LIDAR collection that have significance in terrain representation. Using the capabilities in ArcGIS 9.2 and Arc Hydro tools, the LIDAR data collected over the portion of SWFWMD were generalized and the resulting set of points was used to generate a DEM, which in turn was used to identify pits and their characteristics, delineate watersheds, and compute several watershed characteristics, such as area, average slope, and longest flowpath). Sensitivity of the results with respect to the generalization of the LIDAR dataset are presented.

Jamison Janke
Southwest Florida Water Management District
Resource Management
2379 Broad Street
Brooksville , FL 34609
Phone: (352) 796-7211
Fax: (352) 797-5806
E-mail: Jamison.Janke@swfwmd.state.fl.us