

Network Functionality in StreamStats
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Peter Steeves

Streamflow analysis is integral to the USGS StreamStats program. Until recently most of this analysis has been predicated on watershed derived computations and characteristics. Over the past year the StreamStats program has been enhanced to include streamflow analysis predicated on network functionality. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) network functionality, including navigation and event search is now broadening the scope of the StreamStats program and allowing for streamflow analysis that would not be possible without these functions. This talk will discuss these recent advancements and will showcase specific examples, including searching a network for upstream dam locations and searching the network for gage locations to be applied in an area-weighted average computation.

Peter Steeves
U.S. Geological Survey
10 Bearfoot Road
Northboro , MA 01532
Phone: (508) 490-5054
E-mail: psteeves@usgs.gov