

Joint Geospatial Intelligence Activity Update
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Joseph Ellenbecker, James Giesken

The Joint Geospatial Intelligence Activity (JGA) was established to bring the Combatant Commands, Services, and Agencies together to assess baseline capabilities and evaluate options for enhancing geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) support to and from the lowest joint tactical level. JGA presentations have been provided at the last Users and Federal Users Conferences. This update will focus on the Joint Warfighter Interoperable Geospatial Intelligence (JWIG) Concept of Operations (CONOPs). The JWIG CONOPs provides the process for a Joint Task Force GEOINT Cell to manage GEOINT in support of the Joint Warfighter. The presentation will provide an overview of the JWIG CONOPs and lessons learned from exercising the GEOINT Cell and JWIG CONOPs in Trident Warrior, Strong Angel III, Empire Challenge and the JFCOM Joint Intelligence Laboratory. JGA used a collaborative approach to develop the JWIG CONOPs to get GEOINT to and from the lowest Joint tactical level within the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence.

Joseph Ellenbecker
Joint Forces Command
Joint Transformation Command - Intelligence
7914 Blandy Rd
Norfolk , VA 23502
Phone: 757-203-0850
E-mail: joseph.ellenbecker@jfcom.mil

James Giesken
Joint Forces Command/Booz Allen
5800 Lake Wright Drive Suite 400
Norfolk , VA 23502
Phone: 757-836-7076
E-mail: james.giesken@jfcom.mil