Utilizing NILS for Federal Mineral Leasing and Exploration Track: Mining and Geosciences Author(s): John Reitsma This presentation will include a demonstration of the National Integrated Land System (NILS) and how cadastral survey and land and mineral leasing and exploration data can be accessed. Also shown is the easy-to-use map viewer to dynamically map, search, locate, and view U.S. land and mineral use authorization, conveyances, and mining claim and solid mineral information. NILS can be used to learn more about Federal land and mineral leasing activities, mineral rights, mining claims, oil and gas exploration, coal, and solid minerals such as phosphates, sodium, potassium, gilsonite, etc. Additional areas to be demonstrated include GeoCommunicator's new energy map viewer, some of the more recently added data layers and functionality, and the ability of users to use GeoCommunicator map services within their own GIS and combine with their local data. GeoCommunicator is utilized by many industries including, but not limited to energy, title, utility, education, mining, and environmental interests. John Reitsma Bureau of Land Management Land and Resources Project Office Bldg. 40 Denver Federal Center Denver , CO 80225 US Phone: (303) 236-1984 Fax: (303)236-6691 E-mail: jreitsma@blm.gov |