

Strategic Planning & Integration Tool for Exploration Data
Track: Petroleum
Author(s): Nisha Punchavisuthi

The vision and ultimate goal behind The Strategic Planning & Integration Tool (SPIT) is to help facilitate strategic thought and to enhance visualization by combining an integrated platform for exploration data. SPIT is essentially a published map file containing geographic data from the five components generally associated with exploration: Geology, Wells, Leases, Prospects, and Seismic. The Arc usage and uptake within Bp globally has been very minimal with only a very small percentage of users which are mostly at the developer/advanced level. In order to entice the general user to delve into the ArcGIS program environment without the burden of learning yet another complex application, we decided to use ArcPublisher to publish prepackaged maps with

standardized layers and symbology. This allowed the general users to use an interactive map and also familiarize themselves with the application.

Nisha Punchavisuthi
380 New York St
Redlands , CA 92374
Phone: 909 793 2853
E-mail: andrea_garcia@Esri.com