
No Paper
Manage Thousands of Rasters with SDE
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Lang Deng

NAIP (National Aerial Image Project) from USDA is a good image source, particularly for agricultural use. They are usually released with 1 or 2 foot resolution in MrSid format as CCM (Compressed County Mosaic). It's great for users working in one single county, But if using them for serveral neighboring counties, you have a big problem with the county border areas. There are black edges all around that prevent you from seeing through. We use NAIP at national level, we have to fix the black edges issue before loading them into SDE. We use a tool to fix the black edges, reproject them if necessary and batch load them into SDE RasterCatalog (RC) with ArcObjects. RC format is chosen for the convenience of updating easily in SDE. Then we use these RCs for our desktop, ArcIMS and ArcGIS server applications. Detailed steps and methods are given in this presentation.

Lang Deng
Pioneer Hi-Bred International
7100 NW 62nd Ave
Johnston , Iowa 50131
United States
Phone: 515-334-6390
E-mail: lang.deng@pioneer.com