
No Paper
Large-Quantity Production of Maps for Field Use
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Katherine Zander

The US Bureau of Reclamation uses GIS and remote sensing to calculate agricultural use of lower Colorado River water by identifying crops with supervised classification of TM imagery. This requires groundtruthing efforts four times a year to sample more than 30,000 fields that cover nearly 800,000 acres (320,000 hectares) of irrigable land. Each groundtruth requires the production of over 50 new and unique maps for field use, often with a short turn-around time between groundtruths. Reclamation has recently switched from an AML-driven production of groundtruth maps with ArcInfo coverages and black-and-white Indian Remote Sensing imagery to ArcGIS map production with geodatabase featureclasses and National Agriculture Imaging Program color imagery. This presentation discusses how we converted our processes, improved our cartographic presentation, overcame background imagery and networking obstacles, and still got the maps out on time.

Katherine Zander
US Bureau of Reclamation
P.O. Box 61470
Boulder City , Colorado 89006
United States
Phone: 702-293-8523
E-mail: kzander@lc.usbr.gov