
No Paper
Incorporating GIS into REO Disposition Portals
Track: Business GIS
Author(s): David Gadish

Real Estate Owned (REO) properties are properties owned by lenders--usually banks--as a result of foreclosure. Lenders need to go through the process of trying to sell their REOs. REO Disposition Companies specialize in helping lenders dispose of their REOs by preparing the properties for sale, and selling them through their networks of real estate brokers. The business processes of REO disposition companies can benefit from utilization of GIS. In many instances, REO disposition companies manage their business processes and their relations with different vendors including real estate brokers via an REO Disposition Portal. This paper discusses the REO disposition process, and proposes how to integrate GIS into REO disposition portals. Such integration is likely to shorten the time it takes to sell REOs and to maximize the sales price.

David Gadish
California State University Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Simpson Tower, Suite 609
Los Angeles , California 90032
United States
Phone: 323-343-2924
E-mail: dgadish@calstatela.edu