
Long Term Fire History Monitoring and Analysis with ArcGIS
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): David Toney

Wildland fire is a way of life in southern California and can be devastating to businesses, residential communities, and wildlife. Application of frequency and interval models is an important focus of regional wildland fire management. The San Diego Fire History map series, as seen in the 2007 Esri Map Book, showcases significant fires in San Diego County, from 1910 to 2003. Now updated to include the October 2007 fires, this presentation will describe the process used to produce this map, and explain how and why this process is important.

David Toney
US Marine Corps / GEOFidelis West
Bldg 1160, LL06
Camp Pendleton , California 92025
United States
Phone: 760-763-1891
E-mail: david.toney@usmc.mil