
No Paper
Facility Location Improvement Tool
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Eric Shyer, Mark Hyland, Tom Christoffel

The Facility Location Improvement Tool (FLIT) was developed for use with ArcGIS in order to improve the locational accuracy of facilities regulated by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). FLIT accesses the Facility Information System (FIS) database, via Oracle, for all stationary sources of air pollution. Among the data elements in the FIS database are coordinates for both facilities and their emission points. The FLIT system extracts these coordinates and creates an ArcGIS map of the facilities and their emission points. Division of Air Resources personnel then utilize orthophotography to correct and refine the coordinates. The updated coordinate information is then reviewed and uploaded back into the FIS database. Improved locational information in turn allows for more accurate modeling of air pollution impacts both for criteria contaminants and toxic emissions. More accurate modeling then improves decisions concerning environmental justice and prevention of significant deterioration.

Eric Shyer
NYS DEC, Div. of Information Services, GIS Unit
625 Broadway, 3rd Fl.
Albany , New York 12233-2750
United States
Phone: 518-402-9863
E-mail: ebshyer@gw.dec.state.ny.us

Mark Hyland
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, 3rd Fl.
Albany , New York 12233-2750
United States
Phone: 518-402-9922
E-mail: mehyland@gw.dec.state.ny.us

Tom Christoffel
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, 2nd Fl
Albany , New York 12233
United States
Phone: (518) 402-8401
E-mail: trchrist@gw.dec.state.ny.us