
No Paper
Integrating ArcGIS Server into Sharepoint MOSS 2007
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Suzanne George, Brad Allen

This session will discuss the techniques required to seamlessly integrate ArcGIS Server with Microsoft Sharepoint (MOSS) 2007. We will review the changes required as well as architecture design decisions which will ensure a successful deployment. Further, technical information on how to manage the Sharepoint/ArcGIS Server installation once in a production environment will be reviewed.

Suzanne George
Environmental Science Associates
225 Bush Street
San Francisco , California 94104
United States
Phone: 415-896-5900
E-mail: sgeorge@esassoc.com

Brad Allen
Environmental Science Associates
225 Bush Street
San Francisco , California 94104
United States
Phone: 415-896-5900
E-mail: ballen@esassoc.com