
No Paper
Doris: ArcGIS Server Tool Supports Marine Planning in California
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Matt Merrifield, Will Mcclintock

The California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) calls for the establishment of a managed network of marine protected areas (MPAs) for the state of California. The MLPA Initiative, a collaboration between the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation and the California Department of Fish and Game, has organized a group of scientists and specialists in GIS to enable the MLPA process. Here we detail "Doris", an ArcGIS Server-based decision support tool designed and implemented by our group. Doris is designed specifically to allow non-experts to view geospatial marine information, draw prospective MPA boundaries, assemble individual MPA boundaries into arrays, share individual MPAs and entire arrays with the group, and analyze the data layers captured by these MPA boundaries. The basic functionality of Doris is outlined in this presentation.

Matt Merrifield
The Nature Conservancy
201 Mission Street
4th Floor
San Francisco , California 94105
United States
Phone: 415-777-0487
E-mail: mmerrifield@tnc.org

Will Mcclintock
University of California Santa Barbara
Mail Code 6150
Marine Science Institute
Santa Barbara , California 93106
United States
Phone: 805-893-8782
Fax: 805-893-8062
E-mail: mcclintock@msi.ucsb.edu