
Using ArcGIS to Model Cs-137 Distribution at Idaho National Laboratory
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Chris Oertel

ArcGis and its Geostatistical Analyst extension have been used by the Environmental Monitoring group at the Idaho National Laboratory to explore and predict the Cs-137 isotope concentration in soils at the Idaho National Laboratory. Use of this software package has resulted in increasing our ability to predict the surface distribution, the depth profile, and the probability distribution of Cs-137. Cs-137 is measured using high purity Germanium radiation detectors and the data is then analyzed using commerical software. Results are input to ArcGIS for exploratory data analysis, analysis and modeling of spatial dependence (including computation of variograms and cross validation), and spatial mapping. The laater consists of using an interpolation method in the kriging family. Use of this software has allowed us to refine our environmental field measurement scheme in order to become more efficient and generate defensible data

Chris Oertel
Idaho National Laboratory
PO BOX 1625 MS 6194
Idaho Falls , Idaho 83415
United States
Phone: 2085337122