
No Paper
Realizing the Potential of the Army Theater Geospatial Database
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): John Haefner, Gregory Widrig

The Army Theater Geospatial Database (TGD) is a nexus of geospatial data production capability, storage, and procedures under a recognized logical data model. The problem with this arrangement is that there is no focused responsibility, authority, or workflow for moving this data outside of the Pacific and European commands to feed national gold data sources and cross-fertilize the community for cartographic and analytical production. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) recognizes this only partially-tapped and widely-recognized data production. As such, the Agency is currently producing a capability to ingest this geospatial data from both these commands, developing workflows to assure data quality, place this valuable data in gold stores for access by the entire NSG, as well as broadcasting updates across the two commands.

In this paper, we will explore the methodology, technology and physical development of this process. Other aspects such as workflows, training, and accreditation will also be addressed.

John Haefner
12000 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston , Virginia 20191
United States
Phone: 703-735-2881
E-mail: jack.haefner@us.army.mil

Gregory Widrig
12310 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston , Virginia 20191-3449
United States
Phone: 703 735-2266
E-mail: Gregory.V.Widrig@NGA.mil