
The ArcGIS Landscape Management Data Model
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Brian Morgan, Steven Greco, Mary Burke

This session will focus on the process and results of designing the ArcGIS Landscape Management data model. Originally created with the needs of botanical gardens and zoos in mind, the data model scope has expanded to incorporate the needs of other public landscapes such as campuses and parks. This free to download template is designed to provide organizations of all sizes and funding levels a common starting point for implementing GIS projects. This session will give special attention to the underlying geodatabase schema of the data model, and show examples of how its features, attributes, and relationships can provide a return on investment even to organizations with tight operating budgets.

Brian Morgan
UC Davis Arboretum
One Shields Avenue
Davis , California 95616
United States
Phone: (530) 752-6821
Fax: (530) 752-1392
E-mail: bjmorgan@ucdavis.edu

Steven Greco
University of California, Davis
Department of Environmental Design
One Shields Avenue
Davis , California 95616
United States
Phone: (530) 754-5983
Fax: (530) 752-1392
E-mail: segreco@ucdavis.edu

Mary Burke
UC Davis Arboretum
One Shields Avenue
Davis , California 95616
United States
Phone: (530) 752-3150
E-mail: mtburke@ucdavis.edu