
No Paper
Developing an Agency Raster Data Strategy
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Greg Tudor

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been using aerial photography since 1958 to help manage 3 million acres of uplands and 2 million acres of aquatic lands. The department coordinates an interagency aerial photography program and maintains a resource photography archive dating to 1939. In the past 20 years, the agency has been using digital photography, remote sensing data, and more recently - LiDAR. The DNR currently has over 50 Terabytes of raster data, and will soon be scanning its photography archive. Nonetheless, the agency was not meeting staff and partner needs to access its raster data. A raster strategy group was formed in 2006 which included raster users and experts from across the department. This diverse group helped focus the priorities of bringing raster data into the ArcSDE Geodatabase, determined the best formats and processes for implementation, and began considering alternatives such as the ArcGIS Image Server.

Greg Tudor
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 47020
Olympia , Washington 98504-7020
United States
Phone: 360-902-1542
Fax: 360-902-1790
E-mail: greg.tudor@dnr.wa.gov