
No Paper
INSPIRE: Progress in Building the European SDI
Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Author(s): Stephen Peedell

The INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Directive entered into force as European law on 15th May 2007. This presentation examines the rationale for a European Spatial Data Infrastructure, the content and scope of the INSPIRE Directive and the process by which stakeholders are involved in contributing to its development. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is the technical coordinator of INSPIRE, facilitating the development of the detailed Implementing Rules for metadata, network services and data harmonization, and will provide a detailed update of progress in these areas and the future INSPIRE roadmap.

Stephen Peedell
Joint Research Centre
TP262, CCR
Ispra , VA 21020
Phone: +390332786153
E-mail: stephen.peedell@jrc.it