
No Paper
Space Analysis Tourism and Transport in RMC/Coast of Parana, Brazil
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Marcos Aurélio da Silveira

The provision of an efficient transport system, which meets the needs of users and consumers - business travelers and travel, is a requirement in the current globalized and competitive scenario of the tourism sector. This paper is part of a project that is being done through the lifting of quantitative and qualitative data on the conditions of the infrastructure of road, air and rail in the region set up by the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba and Coast of State of Parana. Making use of tools and techniques the territorial planning, whether it will mount a database through the collection and use of Geographic Information System (GIS) applied to the Space Analysis. Objective is now offering subsidies for strategies aimed at increasing the interaction between the transport system in the region object, of course this as a major constraints to promote the development of tourism at the regional scale.

Marcos Aurélio da Silveira
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Rua Benjamin Constant, 229, apto 1301
Curitiba , Paraná 80060020
Phone: 554133613454
E-mail: marcos.ufpr@yahoo.com.br