
No Paper
Introducing the OceanGeoPortal
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Daniel Cole

With the launch of the Ocean GeoPortal, we are providing an educational and research tool for the general public (including K-12) and the research community. We are providing extensive data bases for outside scientists to harvest spatial data through the GIS Portal Toolkit (GPTK) software. Through customization of the GeoPortal, we are also providing educational materials developed by collaborators, including static and interactive maps for K-12 and the general public to access and learn, as well as incorporating on-line lessons and virtual field trips into customized versions of ArcIMS and GPTK. Demonstrations of the OceanGeoPortal will be made at the conference.

Daniel Cole
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
IT Office, MRC 136
Washington , District of Columbia 20013-7012
United States
Phone: 202-633-0747
Fax: 202-357-4122
E-mail: coled@si.edu