
Bundeswehr Geospatial Data Infrastructure: Concept and Realisation
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Susanne Krause, Josef Burkart, Mirko Zibuschka, Timm Ohlhof, Karin Hosse, Lars Mohr

The Bundeswehr Geoinformation Service is currently building up a geospatial data infrastructure (GDI) as a major step towards a permanent and online provision of geospatial intelligence data and services for German and multinational C4I, mission planning and weapon systems. Central entry point is a geoportal where the user has to register in order to get access to services and data. The most important services are catalogue search, viewing and provision based on OGC's CSW, WMS, and WFS standards. To access the geodatabase a geodata and metadata server is provided. The basic concept was verified during the NATO exercises CWID (Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration) in 2006 and 2007. Aims of the project were the generation of a Recognised Environmental Picture (REP) and the transfer of all relevant geospatial, meteorological and oceanographic information to selected users. The implementation is based on Oracle Spatial, Esri's ArcGIS Server, ArcSDE, ArcIMS, and GIS Portal Toolkit.

Susanne Krause
Bw Geoinformation Service
Frauenberger Straße 250
Euskirchen 1
Phone: +4922832969242
E-mail: susanne1krause@bundeswehr.org

Josef Burkart
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office
Kommerner Strasse 188
Euskirchen , NRW 53879
Phone: +49-2251-953-4240
E-mail: JosefBurkart@bundeswehr.org

Mirko Zibuschka
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office
Kommerner Strasse 188
Euskirchen , NRW 53879
Phone: 0049-2251-953-0
E-mail: MirkoZibuschka@bundeswehr.org

Timm Ohlhof
ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH
Livry-Gargan-Strasse 6
Fuerstenfeldbruck , Bavaria 82256
Phone: 0049-89-9216-0
E-mail: timm.ohlhof@esg.de

Karin Hosse
ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH
Livry-Gargan-Strasse 6
Fuerstenfeldbruck , Bavaria 82256
Phone: 0049-89-9216-0
E-mail: karin.hosse@esg.de

Lars Mohr
ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH
Livry-Gargan-Strasse 6
Fuerstenfeldbruck , Bavaria 82256
Phone: 0049-89-9216-0
E-mail: lars-oliver.mohr@esg.de