
Neighborhood Revitalization and GIS
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Ann Arnall, Jason Krejci

Lee County, Department of Human Services, located in Southwest Florida, implemented a neighborhood building program in 1997. This program focuses on rebuilding neighborhoods by utilizing federal HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and partnering with other not for profit organizations. Our 6 neighborhoods have a high concentration of poverty and staff works with neighborhood leaders to combat crime and code violations. This partnership between the neighborhood and County staff improves both service delivery and capital infrastructure. GIS is a powerful key component in the process of neighborhood development. It is used in number of ways to map and analyze factors. Some examples of the way that it is used are to map out neighborhood assets, demographics, projections and code violations. GIS is a tool that the Department of Human Services relies heavily on to make planning and decisions easier.

Ann Arnall
Lee County Department of Human Services
2440 Thompson St
Ft Myers , Florida 33901
United States
Phone: 239-533-7920
E-mail: ARNALLAM@leegov.com

Jason Krejci
Lee County Human Services
2440 Thompson Street
Fort Myers , Florida 33901
United States
Phone: 239-533-7961
E-mail: jkrejci@leegov.com