
No Paper
Projetar - GIS Graphic Design System
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Silvio Baldan

In order to get the goals of increasing productivity and reducing backlog of project designs related to Electric Network Expansion business process, a GIS Graphic Design System, named GIS/Projetar, was developed.

GIS/Projetar provides an integrated environment for preparing construction work sketches, job cost estimates and an automated means of updating the baseline corporate GIS database. It also furnishes a convenient environment where the end user has seamless access to the tools of the enterprise resource planning/work management system (customized M&M WMS currently, SAP R/3 in near future).

Today, about 80 designers in AES-Eletropaulo develop most of designs through the GIS/Projetar system.

The system architecture is composed of ArcGIS Desktop, ArcFM and Designer, accessed through Citrix terminal server by the users. In the future, the system will be integrated with SAP PLM module, using SAP XI.

Silvio Baldan
AES Eletropaulo
Rua Tabatinguera, 164
São Paulo , São Paulo 01020-000
Phone: 55 11 2195-1198
E-mail: silvio.baldan@aes.com