
No Paper
Managing Water Rights Information Online with ArcGIS Server
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Jeff Kapellas, Fiona Renton, Leo Anguiano

California's complex system of water rights poses significant challenges in data management, workflow administration and public disclosure. To meet these challenges, the California Water Resources Control Board recently unveiled the Electronic Water Rights Information Management System (EWRIMS). Built on ArcGIS Server, EWRIMS enables Water Board staff to edit and track water rights applications, map points of diversion, query upstream and downstream diversions and generate summary reports. The system also provides public access to information about the location and amount of diversions on the state's waterways. This presentation and live demonstration will discuss the system's architecture and development and provide an overview of its capabilities.

Jeff Kapellas
CA Water Resources Control Board
Office of Information Management and Analysis
1001 I Street, 8th Floor
Sacramento , California 95814
United States
Phone: 916-324-9685
Fax: 916-341-5203
E-mail: jkapellas@waterboards.ca.gov

Fiona Renton
CA Water Resources Control Board
Division of Information Technology
1001 I Street, 8th Floor
Sacramento , California 95814
United States
Phone: 916-341-5224
E-mail: frenton@waterboards.ca.gov

Leo Anguiano
CA Water Resources Control Board
Division of Information Technology
1001 I Street, 8th Floor
Sacramento , California 95814
United States
Phone: 916-341-5231
E-mail: languiano@waterboards.ca.gov