
No Paper
Locating Potential Sites for Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants using ArcGIS
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Tobias Eder

The latest ambition of European renewable energy policy is to source 20% of their energy needs from renewables such as biomass, hydro, wind and solar power by 2020. As a consequence, great efforts are spend on developing and establishing plants to achieve this aim. In this context, the Technical University of Munich initiated a research project which gears on locating potential sites for photovoltaic solar power plants using ArcGIS. The modus operandi based on the analysis of wide areas taking a variety of location factors into consideration. One of the fundamental factors is the solar irradiance, simulated by the "solar radiation tool" using digital terrain models and meteorological data derived from remote sensing missions. The final result consists of the most suitable sites in the investigated area, which are used as a fundament for regional planning (municipality) and project development (consultants, investors).

Tobias Eder
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Arcisstr. 21
Munich , Bavaria 80333
Phone: +49/89/28922578
E-mail: tobias.eder@mytum.de