Abstract ![]() Spatial Characteristics of Forest Fire Occurrence & Damage Track: EMS/Fire Author(s): Sungeun Jung, Han-Bin Kwak, Si-Young Lee, Woo-Kyun Lee On this study, we suggest that it is necessary to set up the GIS-based database for monitoring forest fire risk nationwide. Especially, assessment of damage intensity and magnitude for forest fire management should be performed swiftly and it is possible to support fast reconstruction using this evaluation. Also, it was performed to prove distribution characteristics of forest fire about time and space in study area. The new developed assessment method using satellite images and LiDAR can have easy access to judge risk intensity and size in the fire afflicted area. Sungeun Jung Korea Univ. truthse@gmail.com Seoul , Seoul 136-713 Korea, South Phone: 82-11-9904-2795 E-mail: truthse@gmail.com Han-Bin Kwak Korea University Room No.322, College of Life Science Bldg.####2, Korea Univ. Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-Gu Seoul , Seoul 136-713 Korea, South Phone: 82-2-3290-3016 E-mail: nextsunday@korea.ac.kr Si-Young Lee Kangwon National University Room No.110, Engineering Research Center ##3 #253 Joongangro1ga Samcheok , Kangwon 245-711 Korea, South Phone: 82-33-570-6806 E-mail: lsy925@kangwon.ac.kr Woo-Kyun Lee Korea University Room No.322, College of Life Science Bldg.####2, Korea Univ. Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-Gu Seoul , Seoul 136-713 Korea, South Phone: 82-2-3290-3016 E-mail: leewk@korea.ac.kr |