
No Paper
DEM Water Level Analyzer for Habitat Restoration Projects
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Ken Buja, Nishanthi Wijekoon

MAPTITE (Marsh Analysis and Planning for Tool Integrating Tides and Elevations) is an ArcGIS tool that provides restoration managers with a quick way to simulate water level changes on an elevation model for resource management and research issues. Its primary purpose is to automate the process of connecting tidal datums and land elevations to produce marsh grass planting zones for coastal habitat restoration projects. The tool requires an elevation model of the project site, offset values to relate local tidal datums to land elevations and the tidal ranges for plant species to be included at the site. Outputs include shapefiles of planting zones on the elevation model for each grass species, overlap areas and statistics such as area of planting zones and numbers of plants in each planting zone.

Ken Buja
1305 East West Highway
N/SCI12, Rm 9210
Silver Spring , Maryland 20910
United States
Phone: 301-713-3028
E-mail: ken.buja@noaa.gov

Nishanthi Wijekoon
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC3 N/NGS 21 Room 8858
Silver Spring , Maryland 20910
United States
Phone: 301-713-3198
E-mail: nishanthi.wijekoon@noaa.gov