
No Paper
Landscape Interpretation Support Tool (LIST) for ArcGIS 9
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Stefan Lang, Florian Albrecht, Dirk Tiede, Elisabeth Weinke

In natural resource management and landscape analysis we often deal with scale-specific vector representations of geographical objects (patches), originating from different delineation methods with specific levels of generalisation. LIST, an extension for ArcGIS, offers routines for analysing corresponding geographical objects. The tool investigates hierarchical characteristics and spatial and temporal (if given) relationships of two corresponding polygon data sets, derived from visual interpretation, digital image analysis, or any other data capturing technique. Patches are characterized according to their inner composition by spatial statistics. Moreover, the tool analyzes 'object fate', taking into consideration different time slices of data capturing (change analysis) or different methods of patch delineation (different segmentation algorithms, heterogeneous data material, visual vs. machine-based interpretation, reference data sets, etc.). Spatial queries allow for routines ranging from sub-object hierarchical structure, object-based change analysis and object-based accuracy assessment. The Tool is written in VB6, made available as a dynamic link library.

Stefan Lang
Centre for Geoinformatics (Z_GIS)
Schillerstr. 30
Bauteil XV
Salzburg , Salzburg 5020
Phone: +43-662-8044-5262
Fax: +43-662-8044-5260
E-mail: stefan.lang@sbg.ac.at

Florian Albrecht
Centre for Geoinformatics
Schillerstr. 30
Salzburg , Salzburg 5020
Phone: +43-662-8044
E-mail: Florian.Albrecht@sbg.ac.at

Dirk Tiede
Centre for Geoinformatics
Schillerstr. 30
Salzburg , Salzburg 5020
Phone: +43-662-8044
E-mail: dirk.tiede@sbg.ac.at

Elisabeth Weinke
Centre for Geoinformatics
Hellbrunnerstr. 34
Salzburg , Salzburg 5020
Phone: +43-662-8044
E-mail: elisabeth.weinke@sbg.ac.at