
No Paper
Law of the Sea Continental Shelf Boundary Delineation
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Laura Cathers

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea established the opportunity for coastal nations to potentially extend their maritime territory beyond the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. The eligibility of a nation to submit such a claim to the United Nations is based on the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf. This requires the analysis of coastlines, bathymetry, and geologic data, as well as calculating chord lengths. Additionally, the UN has established numerous guidelines that must be adhered to during analysis and strict standards for submitting a claim. This paper outlines a process for analyzing and submitting Law of the Sea claims using ArcGIS, based on the regulations and guidelines prescribed by the UN. A work-flow model was established using ArcGIS tools and applications, and was tested via a case study for producing a mock-submission.

Laura Cathers
University of Redlands
1111 E Central Ave
Redlands , California 92374
United States
Phone: 301-788-8903
E-mail: laura_cathers@institute.redlands.edu