
No Paper
Developing a Comprehensive Metadata Infrastructure: An EPA Case Study
Track: Metadata and Data Publishing
Author(s): Michelle Torreano, Jessica Zichichi

Geospatial resources are an essential component of USEPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. Due to their key role in decision-making by Agency personnel and external parties, it is critical that geospatial assets are properly documented and shared. To meet this need, USEPA has implemented a comprehensive geospatial metadata sharing and management infrastructure using an approach that includes equal emphasis on technology, policies, strategic planning, and outreach. The Agency's geospatial metadata program is now comprised of a complete set of resources that deliver an enterprise framework for geospatial information sharing that meets internal and external needs. This paper will describe how EPA has implemented key components of its metadata framework, including developing a business case and strategic plan, creating an innovative technological infrastructure to meet diverse end-user needs, establishment of policies, procedures and standards that provide governance and oversight, and provision of user training, outreach and support.

Michelle Torreano
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
Washington , District of Columbia 20460
United States
Phone: 202.566.2141
E-mail: torreano.michelle@epa.gov

Jessica Zichichi
Innovate!, Inc
5835 Valley View Dr
Alexandria , Virginia 22310
United States
Phone: 774.206.5549
E-mail: jzichichi@innovateteam.com