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Solving the BIG Problems - Lessons Learned at Georgia Power
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Rich Faglier, Adam Tonkin

Georgia Power Company's GIS Implementation has provided many levels of challenges, including: An Engineering and Mapping community with high expectations; A tight schedule with overlapping projects; A ton of systems hungry for fast accurate data quickly; and a Management Team beating the Asset Management Drum. Learn how this project solved the technical, change management and production issues using a combination of technology and teamwork - and where they are headed next!

Rich Faglier
Georgia Power Company
43 Executive Park
Atlanta , Georgia 30329
United States
Phone: 404-929-5017
E-mail: rwfaglie@southernco.com

Adam Tonkin
Enspiria Solutions, Inc.
6560 S. Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Suite 500
Greenwood Village , Colorado 80111
United States
Phone: 303-601-1056
E-mail: atonkin@enspiria.com