Abstract ![]() Income Indicators Based on Electricity Consumption: A Geostatistical Approach Track: Electric and Gas Author(s): Eduardo Francisco, Francisco Aranha, Peter Whigham, Tony Moore, Felipe Zambaldi, Rafael Goldszmidt The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the spatial relationship between electricity consumption and household income, in order to create an income indicator based on electricity consumption, at the territorial aggregate level, using a set of income-predicting regressions: traditional, GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) and SAR (Spatial Auto-Regressive) models. GIS techniques were applied to integrate electricity consumption information of all residential customers (points) of AES Eletropaulo, one of the largest Brazilian power distributors, with Demographic Census Data (polygons). A set of GIS and Spatial Statistical tools were utilized: ArcGIS Spatial Analyst and Geostatistical Analyst, R statistical application (SPGWR and SPDEP packages), GWR3X and GeoDA (a MapObjects geostatistical application). As an important result, electricity consumption (at the territorial aggregate level) is recognized as an efficient proxy for purchasing power, and can be almost automatically generated by electric companies using GIS techniques - it's a potential new business for them. Eduardo Francisco AES Eletropaulo R Apotribu 150 - ap 172J Parque Imperial Sao Paulo , SP 04302-000 Brazil Phone: +55-11-5584-8812 E-mail: eduardo.francisco@aes.com Francisco Aranha Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Av. Nove de Julho, 2029 - Prédio da Biblioteca 2o. Andar Sao Paulo , SP 01313-902 Brazil Phone: +55-11-3281-7897 Fax: +55-11-3281-7871 E-mail: chico.aranha@gmail.com Peter Whigham Dept. Information Science - University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin , Otago 9001 New Zealand Phone: +64-3-479-7391 Fax: +64-3-479-8311 E-mail: pwhigham@infoscience.otago.ac.nz Tony Moore Dept. Information Science - University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin , Otago 9001 New Zealand Phone: +64-3-479-7391 Fax: +64-3-479-8311 E-mail: amoore@infoscience.otago.ac.nz Felipe Zambaldi Fundação Getulio Vargas Rua José Ramon Urtiza, 965 - apto 51 Sao Paulo , SP 01313-902 Brazil Phone: +55-11-3281-7897 Fax: +55-11-3281-7871 E-mail: zambaldi@yahoo.com Rafael Goldszmidt Fundação Getulio Vargas - EAESP Av. Nove de Julho, 2029 - Prédio da Biblioteca 2o. Andar Sao Paulo , SP 01313-902 Brazil Phone: +55-11-3281-7897 Fax: +55-11-3281-7871 E-mail: rafael.goldszmidt@gmail.com |