
No Paper
Network Data Modeling - Merging Old System with the New
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Mary Adams, Mark Johnson

This presentation will describe the Network Underground Project for Georgia Power. This project developed GIS to model the Network Underground facilities for Georgia Power, a Southern Company in Atlanta, GA. This presentation details the following efforts of the project:

The Business Case, Description of the Network Underground model, Consideration of existing CAD drawings, Business processes, and Benefits of using GIS for Network Operations.

The presentation will provide a good overview of the project and considerations for other utilities that are pondering how to implement GIS for their network operations.

Mary Adams
Southern Company / Georgia Power Company
Bin 20020
241 Ralph McGill Blvd.
Atlanta , Georgia 30308-3374
United States
Phone: 404-506-2976
Fax: 404-506-7872
E-mail: mhadams@southernco.com

Mark Johnson
Enspiria Solutions, Inc.
6560 S. Greenwood Plaza Boulevard, Suite 500
Greenwood Village , Colorado 80111
United States
Phone: 303-641-4090
E-mail: mjohnson@enspiria.com