
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Urban Traffic Volume
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Changjoo Kim, Yong-seuk Park, Sunhee Sang

Understanding how people move is critical as traffic volumes on urban roads continue to outgrow respective road capacities. This research seeks to gain an understanding of traffic volumes on roadways in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area for 1997-2006. Traffic volume analysis is conducted using data collected from detectors at stations to realize spatial and temporal patterns in traffic volume. GIS is utilized for visual delineation of spatially and temporally occurring traffic volume patterns. Implications of this research include a better understanding of urban transportation, as well as a foundation for future research on annual changes in traffic volume on the roadways.

Changjoo Kim
University of Cincinnati
401 Braunstein Hall
Cincinnati , Ohio 45221-0131
United States
Phone: 507-304-2838
E-mail: kim.881@osu.edu

Yong-seuk Park
Minnesota State University
7 Armstrong Hall
Mankato , Minnesota 56001
United States
Phone: 507-351-1295
E-mail: yong-seuk.park@mnsu.edu

Sunhee Sang
The Ohio State University
1036 Derby Hall
Columbus , Minnesota 43210
United States
Phone: 513-652-6280
E-mail: sang.7@osu.edu