
Constructing a Practical and Powerful GIS Web Portal Framework
Track: Application Development
Author(s): William Keever

This presentation will take the audience from exploring business requirements to software construction of a GIS portal and will detail the opportunities and pitfalls encountered. The City of Aurora, Colorado had a fundamental need to answer geographic related questions in a more intuitive and productive way. A project was initiated and a goal defined to create a web based mapping portal designed in such a way to surface many kinds of documents and data linked to a geographic location. The GIS portal could be used by non-specialized staff in various departments to quickly answer internal, business, and citizen inquiries. The portal framework was built with standard tools and integrated ArcGIS Server, Web ADF, .NET web services, and disparate data sources into a framework designed to easily incorporate additional future data and document types.

William Keever
City of Aurora
15151 E Alameda Pkwy
Aurora , Colorado 80012
United States
Phone: 303-739-7482
Fax: 303-739-7547
E-mail: wkeever@auroragov.org