
California Healthcare Atlas - Integrating Geography and the Data Warehouse
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Michael O'Neill, Scott Christman, Michael Byrne

The California Healthcare Atlas is a web query and mapping application that provides critical metrics about healthcare in California. Built by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), the Atlas allows users to (1) locate healthcare facilities, (2) select one or many hospitals and retrieve information like financial and license details, patient summaries and top diagnoses and (3) create patient origin or destination maps with multiple filters for diagnosis, payer source, age and race/ethnicity. The Atlas is not a compendium of other agencies data. OSHPD is the state repository for California healthcare facility, hospital financial, and hospital in- and out-patient data. The Atlas intends to improve the speed and effectiveness of OSHPD's data delivery to the public, researchers, policy makers, and healthcare industry. These data are collected under separate systems but integrated into one data warehouse currently having 80 million records and growing by 20 million records annually

Michael O'Neill
CA Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
400 R Street
Sacramento , California 95811
United States
Phone: (916) 326-3981
E-mail: moneill@oshpd.ca.gov

Scott Christman
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
400 R Street
Sacramento , California 95811
United States
Phone: (916) 326-3981
E-mail: schristm@oshpd.ca.gov

Michael Byrne
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
400 R Street
Sacramento , California 95811
United States
Phone: (916) 326-3981
E-mail: mbyrne@oshpd.ca.gov